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  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    產地: 貴州
    年份: 15年
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    (茅台酒是世界三大著名蒸餾酒之一,在國內外享有盛名。 產於中國貴州省茅台鎮,以本地優質糯高粱、小麥、水為原料,利用得天獨厚的自然環境,採用科學獨特的傳統工藝精心釀製而成,未添加任何香氣、香味物質。 具有)
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    產地: 中國
    年份: 2013
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    年份: 2022
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    產地: 中國
    年份: 2018
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    年份: 2019
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    (貴州茅台酒 2020年 飛天貴州茅台酒 500ml)
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%vol
    產地: 中國貴州茅台鎮
    年份: 2020
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    級别: 50年
    產地: 貴州
    年份: 50年
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    產地: 中國
    年份: 2017
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    年份: 2023
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    年份: 2010
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    年份: 2015
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    酒精度: 53%
    年份: 2016
    容量: 500ml
  • 開始比較
    "Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
    酒類: 中式白酒
    年份: 2018