1. Slides are inserted into the slot, pushing the previous slides over. You must push on the slide partly inserted on one side and the slide that is starting to emerge on the other side to move the slide in the middle back and forth until it is in position. This is a significant slowdown to the process, and if you get it wrong, part of the image is cut off.
2. The screen doesn't display the full area that is imaged, making the previous step extremely difficult. Move back and forth until it seems equal amounts are cut off on both sides.
3. There is no way to rotate a scan. Slides must be inserted so that the image is landscape, otherwise the ends get cut off, so rotating the slide before feeding it into the scanner is not really an option. A button to rotate the image file is notably missing. This is a significant flaw.
4. The date cannot be set before 1980. Many slides are older than that, and this is an inexcusable oversight. The manual states that the date can be the date scanned or the date the photo was taken, so nobody at Kodak should be surprised that people are trying to set the date before 1980.
5. If you unplug the scanner from USB power or turn off the device that was supplying the USB power, the date/time is lost.
6. The change between setting RGB and setting brightness is awkward.
7. There is no "reset" button to set the RGB and brightness to defaults, which means that you have to change the settings back after a slide that is unusual.
The images are decent. For the higher price that comes with the Kodak name, I expected something so badly flawed.
Right out of the box, it wouldn't recognize a 32GB SD card. Tried Sandisk and ONN. Returned and awaiting a replacement. The next sucker better work right as I have a bunch of slides to copy.