Château Soubiran Blanc 法國索碧莊園白酒 AOC Côtes du Marmandais 2018/2019 [750ml]

  • Pinewood Wine 獨家品牌
  • 瑪蔓戴斯法定產區 (Cave du Marmandais) 於羅馬時期就開始生產葡萄酒,是法國西南產區内的名產區之一
  • 早期受到波爾多酒商的影響較大,紅、白、玫瑰紅酒都有生產,採用的品種和波爾多區沒有太大的區别,這邊的氣候和波爾多地區也相差不遠,比較乾燥炎熱一點
  • 使得這裏出產顏色深红,單寧強勁,相當耐久存的紅酒
  • 很適合野味或加松露的肉類菜餚。 法國索碧莊園白酒 Château Soubiran 2018/2019 750ml― AOC Côtes du Marmandais, South West, France
  • 尺寸/容量︰750 ml
限時購運費優惠 (買滿$800免運費 )


58% off



58% off

自取 / 送貨



La famille SOUBIRAN with our Château SOUBIRAN

  • This family property is located on South east slope from the right bank of the river Garonne and belongs today to the third generation of Soubiran. The viticulture there is ancestral. Indeed, the first traces of vines go back to 1868 and the cellars were already present in 1889. The vineyard has strongly increased over the years. In 1932, there were only 5 hectares with very different and very old grape varieties such as the grapput or the alicante.  The vineyard aging lead to its restructuring in the 80’s. It was then decided to plant new grape varieties such as Merlot, Cabernet, Abouriou and Malbec. The property is now composed by approximately 12 hectares, all in one piece.
  • The wine quality of this property comes from the subtle combination of its two principal grape varieties , the Merlot and the Malbec, with a clay limestone and boulbene soil. As for the vineyard, the wine business has fluctuated among the years. At the beginning, in the 1930’s, the property’s wine was sold entirely to the negoce of Marmande which was  supplying the « black wine »  for the vineyards of Bordeaux. When this practice has been stopped and that the slump of wine could be felt, the totality of the production was distilled. With the market recovery and the creation of  the wine cooperative of Beaupuy in 1952, the Soubiran family decided to sell it its production. Consequently, since 1968, the totality of the property production has been brought to the Cave du Marmandais. The Soubiran family, cooperators from father to son, share their passion with their visitors each friday afternoon and joined the program Destination Vignoble and Fermes de Garonne ( Vineyard Destination and Farms of Garonne).
  • 葡萄栽培。事實上,葡萄藤的第一道痕跡可以追溯到1868年,1889年酒窖已經存在。葡萄園多年來一直在大幅增加。在1932年,只有5公頃的葡萄品種非常不同,非常古老,如格拉夫特或阿利坎特。葡萄園的老化導致其在80年代重組。然後決定種植新的葡萄品種,如梅洛,赤霞珠,阿布里歐和馬爾貝克。該物業現在佔地約12公頃,全部為一體。祖傳的莊園位於加龍河右岸的東南斜坡上,今天屬於第三代Soubiran。是
  • 葡萄酒品質來自其兩種主要葡萄品種Merlot和Malbec的巧妙組合,以及粘土石灰石和boulbene土壤。至於葡萄園,葡萄酒業務多年來一直波動。起初,在20世紀30年代,該酒莊的葡萄酒完全賣給了馬爾芒德(Marmande)的黑暗,後者為波爾多葡萄園提供“黑葡萄酒”。當這種做法停止並且可以感覺到葡萄酒的坍塌時,整個生產過程就被提煉出來了。隨著市場的複蘇和Beaupuy葡萄酒合作社於1952年的成立,Soubiran家族決定將其生產出售。因此,自1968年以來,整個物業生產已被帶到Cave du Marmandais。 Soubiran家族,從父親到兒子的合作者,每個星期五下午與遊客分享他們的熱情,並加入了目的地Vignoble和Fermes de Garonne(葡萄園目的地和加龍河農場)

Tasting Note:

  • 酒評:這款葡萄酒主要採用長相思製成,具有濃郁的香氣,白色果肉(梨),礦物質,柑橘類水果和精緻的木質香調之間共享。非常年輕和圓潤,口感細膩酸度,並在奶油蛋捲和烤香調上完成。

Grape Variety: 

  • 葡萄種類:95% Sauvignon white, 5% Sauvignon Gris,


  • 陳釀:6個月不銹鋼桶。

Food Pairing:  

  • 食物配搭:在白色黃油調味汁,白色肉的烤魚。

  • 購買令人醺醉的酒類產品(以按體積計算含1.2%乙醇的飲料)的人士必須年滿18歲。
  • 如送遞人員對收件人的年齡有任何疑問(未滿18歲),送遞人員將會要求收件人出示身份證或年齡證明文件。

您必須確認您已年滿18歲方能購買此產品。 送貨到指定地點須有18歲或以上的人在場接收,否則會取消送貨安排,須另外約時間交付。

By placing an order, you must confirm that you are 18 years old or above. A person aged 18 or above must be present to take delivery, otherwise delivery shall be withdrawn and attempt at another agreed time.


Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.

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