Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia 香水 [100ml]

平行進口 全港免運
  • 靈感源自春天蘊含在自然界中的純淨之美。設計特意彰顯薰衣草的細緻色澤,限量版Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia淡香水極具珍藏價值,
  • 前調以紅莓的香氣揭開序幕,漸而散發出濃郁的花香中調。
  • 雞蛋花的溫暖氣息將白色梔子花花瓣的沁人香氣昇華,並以愉悅的廣藿香及黑糖芬芳幽幽襯托。


33% off



33% off



  • 限量版Gucci Flora Gorgeous Gardenia淡香水極具珍藏價值,設計特意彰顯薰衣草的細緻色澤,靈感源自春天蘊含在自然界中的純淨之美。
  • 前調以紅莓的香氣揭開序幕,漸而散發出濃郁的花香中調。
  • 雞蛋花的溫暖氣息將白色梔子花花瓣的沁人香氣昇華,並以愉悅的廣藿香及黑糖芬芳幽幽襯托。


  • 前調:紅莓、梨
  • 中調:白色梔子花、雞蛋花
  • 後調:廣藿香、黑糖
  • 平行進口產品 (水貨)
  • Our love mention:
    Since the products are imported to Hong Kong from different suppliers around the world, it usually takes about 7-14 working days for the goods to be shipped after the customer places an order. Please pay attention before p

    因產品從世界各地不同供應商進口來香港,所以客人下單後一般需 7-14 個工作天左右才會寄出貨品,下單前敬請留意。本店確認收到訂單後將會按客戶購買日期順序進行發貨,因此下單後絕不接受任何理由進行退款。

    **若遇上節日前庫儲緊張、物流繁忙引致有機會需約 21 個工作日或以上才可發貨。但我們會盡快出貨給客人,請放心!所以大家請多多體諒!謝謝

    只限辦公時間回覆: 逢星期一至五 早上10:00 - 1:00,下午2:30 - 5:00)



    1) 本店商品是從世界各地不同供應商進口來香港批發及售賣,而其他國家售賣/出產的同名商品,產品包裝內容,產品標籤,有機會與香港專門店售賣的行貨略有不同。

    2) 所有美容儀、化妝品、護膚品、香水、蠟燭或其他同種類產品,均屬個人用品。因衛生問題,若把快遞包裝拆開後,不能作任何退換,退貨,退款敬請留意。

    3) 在長途運送途中,有可能因運送期間任何因素,引致包裝或產品出現瑕疵或其他質料有機會與專櫃有少許差異,介意者請勿選購,謝謝!

    4) 收貨時請在快遞員面前當面檢查貨物快遞外包裝是否有損壞,如有嚴重損壞,請即時拒收及退回給快遞員,不要簽收。

    5)如有任何爭議,Red Buy Shop將保留最終決定權。包括隨時暫停、更改或終止活動及其條款及細則,而毋須另行通知。


    1) 收貨當日起7日內,會有壞包換購物保障 (不包括人為損壞並須要保留完整包裝)。

    2) 所有「平行進口貨品」美容儀產品均不提供任何形式保養。

    3) 如需把換貨,需保留所有原裝包裝, 如已遺失,本店恕不接受退換貨品。

    5)如有任何爭議,Red Buy Shop將保留最終決定權。包括隨時暫停、更改或終止活動及其條款及細則,而毋須另行通知。


    零售客戶有任何問題請以whatsapp (+852 6151 2533) 聯絡我們。

    只限辦公回覆時間: 逢星期一至五 早上10:00 - 1:00,下午2:30 - 5:00)

    lacing an order. After the store confirms receipt of the order, it will be shipped in the order of the customer's purchase date, so no refund will be accepted for any reason after the order is placed.

    **If the inventory is tight and the logistics is busy before the festival, it may take about 21 working days or more to deliver the goods. But we will ship to customers as soon as possible, please rest assured! ❤️So everyone please be considerate! Thank you 

    The phone number of our store is only for retail customers to inquire through whatsapp. Please pay attention!!
    Reply during office hours only: Monday to Friday 10:00 am - 1:00 am, 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm)
    All inquiries will not be answered, please pay attention and understanding, thank you!


    All products in this store are "parallel imported goods".

    "Parallel imported goods" cosmetics, skin care products, perfumes, candles or other types of products:
    1) The products in this store are imported from different suppliers all over the world and come to Hong Kong for wholesale and sale, while the products with the same name sold/produced in other countries, product packaging content, product labels, may be slightly different from licensed products sold in Hong Kong specialty stores.
    Please do not buy if you mind, thank you!

    2) All beauty instruments, cosmetics, skin care products, perfumes, candles or other similar products are personal products. Due to hygienic issues, if you unpack the express package, you cannot make any returns, returns, and refunds. Please pay attention.

    3) During the long-distance transportation, there may be defects in the packaging or products due to any factors during the transportation, or other materials may be slightly different from those at the counter. Please do not buy if you mind, thank you!

    4) When receiving the goods, please check whether the outer packaging of the goods is damaged in front of the courier. If there is serious damage, please reject it immediately and return it to the courier without signing for it.

    5) In case of any dispute, Red Buy Shop reserves the right of final decision. This includes suspending, changing or terminating the campaign and its terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.


    "Parallel Imported Goods" Beauty Device Category Products:
    1) Within 7 days from the date of receipt, there will be a bad replacement shopping guarantee (excluding man-made damage and the need to keep the complete package).

    2) All "parallel imported goods" beauty instrument products do not provide any form of maintenance.

    3) If you need to exchange the product, you need to keep all the original packaging. If it is lost, our store will not accept the return of the product.
    The transportation and logistics costs caused by the exchange of goods shall be paid by the customer.

    5) In case of any dispute, Red Buy Shop reserves the right of final decision. This includes suspending, changing or terminating the campaign and its terms and conditions at any time without prior notice.


    Retail customers have any questions, please contact us via whatsapp (+852 6151 2533).

    The phone number of our store is only for retail customers to inquire through whatsapp. Please pay attention!!
    Office reply time only: Monday to Friday 10:00 am - 1:00 am, 2:30 pm - 5:00 pm)
    All inquiries will not be answered, please pay attention and understanding, thank you!

  • 活動時間由2024年03月29日00:002025年03月31日23:59
  • 用戶必須先了解及清楚購買之詳情及方法,不能以此作理由提出爭議。
  • 產品圖片只供參考。
  • 付款成功後,顧客將會收到由系統所發出的購物確認信,所有交易資料以此確認信為準,請務求在確定購買前確認填妥正確的聯絡資料。
  • Price之私隱政策使用條款及免責聲明適用於本活動。
  • 其它條款及細則
  • 如有任何查詢,請電郵至
  • Price持有許可售賣的受限制食物類別之牌照/許可證號碼為:
    • 預先包裝冷凍(冰鮮)及/或冷藏*肉類:0351802632;
    • 預先包裝冷凍(冰鮮)及/或冷藏*介貝類水產動物:0351802641;
    • 原廠盛杯及包裹物料包裝的冰凍甜點:0351802702;
    • 介貝類水產動物 (大閘蟹):0351801806。

成功購買的會員可選擇「送貨」或「智能櫃 / 自取點取貨」

i. 送貨

  • 商戶提供的送貨方式及運費資料將於結賬時顯示。
  • 速遞送貨方面,貨品將於訂單確認後 5 至 14 個工作天內收到
  • 所有郵寄項目不可指定收貨日期和時段
  • 顧客請於購買時輸入正確的個人資料和地址以便安排運送
  • 溫馨提示:因疫情關係,物流派送服務有機會不支援上門派貨或延誤,詳情請留意各大物流公司官方網站。不便之處敬請見諒。

ii. 「智能櫃 / 自取點取貨」

  • 商戶提供的送貨方式及運費資料將於結賬時顯示。
  • 速遞送貨方面,貨品將於訂單確認後 5 至 14 個工作天內收到
  • 所有郵寄項目不可指定收貨日期和時段
  • 顧客請於購買時輸入正確的個人資料和選擇自取地址以便安排運送
  • 請注意自取智能櫃或自取合作點的快件重量及尺寸限制
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