Sleepmi Z3 第三代 EMS止鼾睡眠偵測器


Sleepmi Z3 EMS止鼾睡眠偵測器是你的智能解決方法,不要再用低成效的鼻鼾貼🙅🏻‍♂️。Sleepmi Z3能感應、消退鼻鼾同時連接你的智能電話📱,偵測你的睡眠質素,深入了解你的睡眠健康📊~ 是時候告別夜晚的不安睡眠和疲憊的早上了,因為Sleepmi Z3會確保你有一個優質睡眠!
🔥 檢測和減少鼾聲,以提高睡眠質量
🔥 連接智能手機,偵測睡眠質量,並提供深入了解睡眠健康的功能
🔥 感應到鼻鼾聲音,然後使用EMS技術發送微弱的電流刺激鼻部肌肉,使其收縮,從而減少鼻鼾聲音
🔥 強大的智能手機應用程序基於多種因素為你提供鼾聲模式的可視化數據,並通過內置感應器監測你的動作
🔥 基於睡眠數據,你可以找出哪些因素影響了你的睡眠,哪些方法可以幫助你睡得更好
🔥 可以調節脈搏強度和持續時間。對於對睡眠敏感或易驚醒的用戶,可以通過設置延遲來調整工作時間
🔥 能夠在整個晚上識別你的睡姿。如果你仰躺打鼾,裝置會輕輕震動提醒你翻身,而不會完全喚醒你
🔥 配有可重複使用的凝膠貼片和易於調節的耳帶
🔥 隨身攜帶。貼片可重複使用和清洗,只需輕輕轉動即可用少量水清洗。使用後,你可以將其放回充電盒中進行消毒




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Is there a snorer in your bedroom? 

Having an uninterrupted sleep at night shouldn't be that hard.
You've tested every type of snoring device out there: tprotector, special pillows, nasal spray, nose dilator, herbs etc., or even decided to sleep without one so that you won't wake up in the midnight.

This is Sleepmi Z3 — your smart device to detects, tracks, and eliminates snoring.

It's time to say goodbye to restless nights and weary mornings because Sleepmi Z3 has got you covered, literally.

How it works?

Sleepmi is an AI-powered intelligent device that analyzes your snoring habits and takes gentle steps to fix it. 

Our powerful smartphone application gives you visualized data on your snoring patterns based on multiple factors, and monitors your movement with a built-in sensor.

Based on the sleep data, you can figure out which factors hurt your sleep and which remedies help you to sleep perfectly.

Sleepmi Z3 uses AI algorithms to identify snoring accurately. All you have to do is wear it and whenever the device detects that you’re snoring, it will send gentle pulse intervention to the Sleepmi Z3 to cue you to change positions and restore your throat muscle's elasticity.

You can adjust the time, and the pulse intervention. For sleep-sensitive users or awakened users, you can delay the working time by setting a delay.

You’ll never have to worry about your snoring again. Sleepmi App making it easy to see: sleeping patterns, including body position, snoring duration, and the direct effect from data trend.

Z3 knows your position throughout the night. You’ll feel a gentle vibration via the device if you are snoring while on your back. These gentle vibrations cue you to roll over without fully waking.

You can take Z3 wherever you go, including:

  • On an airplane
  • At your hotel on a business trip
  • Vacations with your family
  • Or even in your office for a quick nap

It fits perfectly into any small suitcase, backpack, or even purse.

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